IT IT English Using Java NIO Socket as the underlying foundation, manually parse HTTP requests and responses, and implement a customized server similar to Tomcat (1) 2023-05-28 ドラえもん At present, most of …
IT IT日本 Java NIO Socketに基づいて、HTTP リクエストとレスポンスを手動で解析し、Tomcatと同様のカスタマイズされたhttpサーバーを実装します(1) 2023-05-28 ドラえもん 現在、市場に出回っているほとんどの C/…
IT IT中文 以Java NIO Socket为底层基础,手动解析HTTP请求与响应,实现类似Tomcat的定制化http服务器(一) 2023-05-28 ドラえもん 目前市面上大多数C/S模式的交易类系统,…
IT IT English How to initialize auto-increment ID when Mysql table has foreign key association 2023-05-26 ドラえもん When you want to ini…
IT IT English A simple F5 load balancing function implemented by JAVA code 2023-05-26 ドラえもん JAVA implements a si…
IT IT English Linux recursive search string, batch replacement, support URL replacement. 2023-05-26 ドラえもん Searches for files c…
IT IT English Springboot obtains beans through class names and manages beans through similar plug-ins. 2023-05-26 ドラえもん Create a springbootU…
IT IT English Use Google Protostuff to serialize and deserialize,read and write files very fast. 2023-05-26 ドラえもん Use Protostuff to se…